Your Nur


Everyday, early morning, a sparrow comes to my balcony
She chirps melodiously, sitting on the balustrade. I usually wake up annoyed by the chirp, though sweet the songs are.
Though the sparrow sees me, she doesn’t go away till she finishes.
I never shooed her away though.

Today, she had come with her little one. They were singing a special song it seemed.
I enjoyed every bit of it this time. Suddenly a thought struck me.
What brings her here every day? What has made her to bring her little one this time?
Hadn’t I been rude to not acknowledge the songs she had sung?
Hadn’t I been ignorant about the Nur that the Beloved has poured in my soul, that the sparrow got attracted to?

I thanked Him all at once,
Sinking into Sajda,

You have created marvels,
You have put Love in all of them,
And now I realize, I understand, that it is this Love, this Nur, that attracts the Beauty toward me.
That attracts me toward the Beauty, the Nur.
The Nur was always with me, I know,
It would have been the Nur that inspired me to carry those chicks, in my hand the moment they hatched in to this world.
It would have been the Nur, that let the mother hen to let me see the eggs hatch.
It would surely have been the Nur, that made those same chicks that grew up to hens, cling on my shirt sleeve and climb up to my shoulder to just find some Love.
It surely would have been the Nur.
It would have been the Nur that made the babies I come across Love me, so dear, even when they see me for the first time. 

Your Nur.

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